Domain Name Prices (USD) (as of 2 Jan 2024)
Domain | AWS | Cloudflare |
app | ----- | $12 |
builders | $32 | $25 |
cards | $29 | $25 |
com | $13 | $9 |
games | $29 | $20 |
page | ----- | $8 |
place | $20 | $25 |
site | $20 | $25 |
studio | $12 | $24 |
Steps To Transfer A Custom Domain
- go to your custom domain name on
Google Domains
- on the left panel click on DNS
- turn off DNSSEC
- on the left panel click on Registration settings
- turn off Privacy protection
- turn off Domain is locked
- click on Transfer out > Get auth code and copy it for later
- Go to your
Cloudflare dashboard
- on the left panel click on Websites
- click Add a site button
- enter the domain name without the www (such as
- click Free (this might take a little bit; mine took 3
- when the Review your DNS records shows up, click
Continue at the bottom
- note the domain name servers for later (mine were and
- go back to
Google Domains
- on the left panel click on DNS
- change the underlined Default name servers tab to Custom
name servers tab
- enter the two domain server names from earlier
(e.g. and
- also on this page click on Switch to these settings
- go back to the Cloudflare page and click on Done, check
- go through the Quick Start Guide: turn on Auto HTTPS,
always use HTTPS, turn on Brotli compression
- click Check nameservers at the bottom and then wait
(mine took ten minutes)
- when you get a cloudflare email, reload the cloudflare
newDomain page to see "Great news!"
- go to
the Cloudflare dashboard
by clicking on the Cloudflare logo
- on the left panel click on Domain Registration >
Transfer Domains
- select the new domain and at the bottom click on Confirm
- enter the transfer code you copied previously from
Google Domains page, then Confirm and proceed
- accept the defaults and click on Confirm and Finalize
- wait for google to email you to confirm the transfer (on
mine, about 5 minutes)
- on the left panel click on DNS >settings and enable DNSSEC
- click on DNS > Records and set the email records to be
Additional Commands of Interest
Open a shell and run these commands:
To see relevant information on yourDomainName:
nslookup -type=cname yourNewDomain
To see the name servers:
nslookup -type=ns yourNewDomain