How to Set Up Automatic Updates on Ubuntu
rcg   ·   21 April, 2024
  1. log into the ubuntu machine
  2. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt autoremove
  3. sudo apt install unattended-upgrades apt-listchanges bsd-mailx (and pick no configuration)
  4. sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades
  5. sudo emacs /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
       set to true: Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot "true";
       uncomment // "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-updates";
  6. sudo emacs /etc/apt/listchanges.conf
       [email protected]
  7. consider having an email server so you can get alerts. For example AWS SES with Postfix MTA
  8. verify this works: sudo unattended-upgrades --dry-run
  9. restart with the changes: sudo systemctl restart unattended-upgrades.service
Other things
  1. verify it is running: sudo systemctl status unattended-upgrades.service
  2. to see the logs: sudo tail -f /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades.log
  3. to see the schedule: systemctl | grep -w 'apt'
  4. systemctl cat apt-daily.timer
  5. systemctl cat apt-daily-upgrade.timer
  6. As of 21Apr24 here is what my /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades file has:
    // If automatic reboot is enabled and needed, reboot at the specific // time instead of immediately // Default: "now" //Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot-Time "02:00"; // Use apt bandwidth limit feature, this example limits the download // speed to 70kb/sec //Acquire::http::Dl-Limit "70"; // Enable logging to syslog. Default is False // Unattended-Upgrade::SyslogEnable "false"; // Specify syslog facility. Default is daemon // Unattended-Upgrade::SyslogFacility "daemon"; // Download and install upgrades only on AC power // (i.e. skip or gracefully stop updates on battery) // Unattended-Upgrade::OnlyOnACPower "true"; // Download and install upgrades only on non-metered connection // (i.e. skip or gracefully stop updates on a metered connection) // Unattended-Upgrade::Skip-Updates-On-Metered-Connections "true"; // Verbose logging // Unattended-Upgrade::Verbose "false"; // Print debugging information both in unattended-upgrades and // in unattended-upgrade-shutdown // Unattended-Upgrade::Debug "false"; // Allow package downgrade if Pin-Priority exceeds 1000 // Unattended-Upgrade::Allow-downgrade "false"; // When APT fails to mark a package to be upgraded or installed try adjusting // candidates of related packages to help APT's resolver in finding a solution // where the package can be upgraded or installed. // This is a workaround until APT's resolver is fixed to always find a // solution if it exists. (See Debian bug #711128.) // The fallback is enabled by default, except on Debian's sid release because // uninstallable packages are frequent there. // Disabling the fallback speeds up unattended-upgrades when there are // uninstallable packages at the expense of rarely keeping back packages which // could be upgraded or installed. // Unattended-Upgrade::Allow-APT-Mark-Fallback "true"; // Automatically upgrade packages from these (origin:archive) pairs // // Note that in Ubuntu security updates may pull in new dependencies // from non-security sources (e.g. chromium). By allowing the release // pocket these get automatically pulled in. Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins { "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}"; "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-security"; // Extended Security Maintenance; doesn't necessarily exist for // every release and this system may not have it installed, but if // available, the policy for updates is such that unattended-upgrades // should also install from here by default. "${distro_id}ESMApps:${distro_codename}-apps-security"; "${distro_id}ESM:${distro_codename}-infra-security"; "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-updates"; // "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-proposed"; // "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-backports"; }; // Python regular expressions, matching packages to exclude from upgrading Unattended-Upgrade::Package-Blacklist { // The following matches all packages starting with linux- // "linux-"; // Use $ to explicitely define the end of a package name. Without // the $, "libc6" would match all of them. // "libc6$"; // "libc6-dev$"; // "libc6-i686$"; // Special characters need escaping // "libstdc\+\+6$"; // The following matches packages like xen-system-amd64, xen-utils-4.1, // xenstore-utils and libxenstore3.0 // "(lib)?xen(store)?"; // For more information about Python regular expressions, see // }; // This option controls whether the development release of Ubuntu will be // upgraded automatically. Valid values are "true", "false", and "auto". Unattended-Upgrade::DevRelease "auto"; // This option allows you to control if on a unclean dpkg exit // unattended-upgrades will automatically run // dpkg --force-confold --configure -a // The default is true, to ensure updates keep getting installed //Unattended-Upgrade::AutoFixInterruptedDpkg "true"; // Split the upgrade into the smallest possible chunks so that // they can be interrupted with SIGTERM. This makes the upgrade // a bit slower but it has the benefit that shutdown while a upgrade // is running is possible (with a small delay) //Unattended-Upgrade::MinimalSteps "true"; // Install all updates when the machine is shutting down // instead of doing it in the background while the machine is running. // This will (obviously) make shutdown slower. // Unattended-upgrades increases logind's InhibitDelayMaxSec to 30s. // This allows more time for unattended-upgrades to shut down gracefully // or even install a few packages in InstallOnShutdown mode, but is still a // big step back from the 30 minutes allowed for InstallOnShutdown previously. // Users enabling InstallOnShutdown mode are advised to increase // InhibitDelayMaxSec even further, possibly to 30 minutes. //Unattended-Upgrade::InstallOnShutdown "false"; // Send email to this address for problems or packages upgrades // If empty or unset then no email is sent, make sure that you // have a working mail setup on your system. A package that provides // 'mailx' must be installed. E.g. "[email protected]" //Unattended-Upgrade::Mail ""; // Set this value to one of: // "always", "only-on-error" or "on-change" // If this is not set, then any legacy MailOnlyOnError (boolean) value // is used to chose between "only-on-error" and "on-change" //Unattended-Upgrade::MailReport "on-change"; // Remove unused automatically installed kernel-related packages // (kernel images, kernel headers and kernel version locked tools). //Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Kernel-Packages "true"; // Do automatic removal of newly unused dependencies after the upgrade //Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-New-Unused-Dependencies "true"; // Do automatic removal of unused packages after the upgrade // (equivalent to apt-get autoremove) //Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies "false"; // Automatically reboot *WITHOUT CONFIRMATION* if // the file /var/run/reboot-required is found after the upgrade Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot "true"; // Automatically reboot even if there are users currently logged in // when Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot is set to true //Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot-WithUsers "true";